Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blog design

So....i gues i am indesicive.....i have changed my background a few times and cant decide. I like the colors of this one but might be too..."fluffy"
So maybe i should do a maybe i should invite people to my blog first...good idea karen as it is just mom and myself that know about it right
OK will email you all....oh ya...i don't have all my contacts back yet. Still on the external harddrive from before the big "crash" of 09....aka...water in the computer and so on.
I will send it to those i have right now and tell others to pass it on.
Ok bye for now.

Friday, February 27, 2009


HI there...just trying to set up a new blog. If any of you were watching the prescription of hope blog it is no longer functional. I will try to copy it to this one now. Mandi also has her own blog now and i will post hers on here soon. Just trying to get it all set up right now.